Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tweet Me

I did it. I fell into the fiery Twitter abyss.

I learned my lesson about things like this when I resisted Facebook for my four years of college. U of A was one of the first universities to test Facebook and I simply did not get it. By senior year, I had already established that I was too cool to join and would have received quite the load of grief from facebooking friends if I did. I found myself stealing friend's passwords to see what other friends were up to, or see if the cute girl I met at the bar that night was "in a relationship." Yes, somewhat stalker. But, definitely a good way to prevent further embarrassment when ,upon asking her out, receiving the "I have a boyfriend" line. It does prevent a problem, however, when you ask her out and she says "no" even when you know she doesn't have a boyfriend.

I digress.

Twitter was not going to play me like that. I am not a 90-year-old unsure of whether I need to call the cable company because of the digital conversion. No. I am still young. I embrace technology. Old ladies at work always ask me to fix their computers even though I have no idea what I'm doing. But the fact that I know how to attach an email, or connect a keyboard makes me Bill freaking Gates.

Following my brother's lead on the eve of one of golf's four major championships, I saddled up on the Twitter horse.

I could not live with Mike seeing what Ian Poulter ( or John Daly ( were wearing in the first round of the Open before me.

I will never again be able to live without Shawne Merriman's (of the Chargers) grammatically incorrect, every-5-minute updates on his daily activities.

"@shawnemerriman: im still up because i had a VERVE at midnight..what you think?"

"@shwanemerriman: and i didnt get the pic of kobe yall wanted got stuck in a crowd of people and had to get out of there before i gave somebody the lightsOut!"

How could I survive without knowing that Chad Ochocinco is starting his own Twitter fantasy football league??!! (On a side note, I had no idea a football player would actually start his own league. Is that even allowed?)

"@ochoNFLcinco85: it says somthin about you have to wait 1 hour after the league fills up for the draft to start,but if it dont work out im startin a new 1!"

Davis Love and Boo Weekly are eating together after round one?! I like to eat after golf too! Pro golfers watch cricket?! Maybe I should watch cricket!

"@Love3d: Eating dinner with boo watching cricket, life is good at THE Open!"

No way- Stewart Cink changes his own spikes?!

"@stewartcink: Do it yourself spike locker room at Turnberry. I use the ones on the back row. May take some home to resupply too!! http ..."

Lance-freaking-Armstrong commenting on every pedal of the Tour de France? Can't get enough!!

"@lancearmstrong: St13 done. Wet and cold. And slightly boring. Can't remember a day this cold in the TdF. Ever. Team was solid and controlled things well."

About amonth ago, Kevin Love of the Minnesota Timberwolves broke the story on Twitter that his head coach, Kevin McHale, was fired and would not be returning next year. I repeat: he BROKE THE STORY. Not ESPN, not FOX, not even TMZ. An actual player on the team was the first one to report to the public that his own coach was fired via his Twitter account. The journalist middle man is being pushed out of society slowly but surely. Why do I need to hear an anchor say something that I can just hear straight from the source?

Although satire, it is a matter of time before our society turns into this:

P.S. This online show is hilarious - especially if you ever watch ESPN. Watch more episodes if you get the chance.
Tweet me: @blakebuchanan

1 comment:

  1. You should put your blog address on your Twitter profile. It's a great way of generating traffic.
